

So back on January 10th, I started what I called my #30DaySnapBackChallenge. I didn't share much about what I was doing during those 30 days because I wanted to see if I could actually hold myself accountable and do it. I posted this picture as a "before" because I was hoping to actually work on my stomach

Here is what the "challenge" consisted of:
eggs and spinach
Salad with or without meat
Veggie and seafood (or chicken)
As much water as I can (close to a gallon)
Fruit (berries)

Workout 5 days a week
3 days of weight training
2 days of cardio
Rest days work on core

Limit social media
Read a book
listen to podcasts (TD Jakes and/or Myleik Teele)

Work on projects around the house
Spend more quality time with boys
Read blogs
Write blog

30 day spending freeze

Soooo, how did I do??? Well, I failed. Starting with food, I did indeed eat spinach and eggs every morning (that's all I eat anyway!), but I didn't stick to the rest. I don't know if it was the chicken breast I was eating, but it didn't sit well with me. Maybe it was how I cooked it. Then, I didn't really have an appetite for seafood much. I want fatty meats all the time. What is wrong with me?!?! As far as the fruit, I did eat berries, but I mostly ate a nectarine every morning with my breakfast. I don't regret that at all because that nectarine helped me break free from eating 25g of carbs a day. Another thing, I started taking vitamins again and these are my favorite. I had to make sure I was eating a full meal before taking it, but it's a game changer for sure. Not sure if it's in my mind, but it energizes me!

As far as fitness, the first week, I did manage to do the 5 days and was very proud of myself. But then I realized that working out 5 days a week just wasn't for me anymore. The next week I did 4 and then after that, just 3. Do I mind doing 5? No because it feels good to do so, but my time is limited and even though it's just an hour, I need that extra hour at least two days a week. I managed to work on my core and glutes all gym days:-) Because I mostly did 3 days a week, I did manage to do weight training all days along with an average of 100 squats a day.

I failed miserably with the social media aspect of the challenge. I really need to fix that, but I like interacting with ya'll! I know that I need to figure out balance with social media... Maybe 3 posts a day? I didn't read a book, nor did I meditate, but what I did start doing was listening to Bishop TD Jakes sermons on Mondays. I don't think I'll ever stop doing that. I look forward to it now!
Can we just skip the no spending for 30 days??? I've been trying to do that for years and I fail time and time again:(

So what were my results from failing this challenge? Well, I started out weighing 168 and when I weighed in on the 12th of February, I was 170. And here is a picture of where I am. Left is January and right is February.

I don't really see a change and actually I'm quite disappointed in myself. What I learned by doing this is that I'm not as motivated as I once was. Could it be because I've reached my goal? I think so! I also think my discipline is fading a bit. So what's my plan now? To do less with more focus (something I'll discuss in another post). But what I know for sure is that I'm not a quitter and because I that, what was a 30 day challenge has turned into one that I'm determined to win! I'm starting over on February 21 and will update you once again:-)

So there you have it, me sharing my failure with you ladies!

Stay inspired,


Unknown said...

You didn't fail Lakeitha! You just did what worked for you! I see results. You inspire and motivate me. Hope to have your discipline!!

Mei-Ling said...

Thanks for the realness! Apreciated! :)

Unknown said...

I applaud you for your honesty. That alone has inspired me! Thank u

klb said...

your honesty is amazing. you may think you've failed, and you may be right based on what you set out to do. but what i DO know is that you already know you have it in you to get and stay motivated if and when you're ready to do so. #proventrackrecord

thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Girl! How do you not see any progress?!?! Your stomach is very visibly smaller! You looked incredible before but you can definitely tell your stomach is flatter. You did amazing! You didn't outright fail. You adjusted your goals and expectations to fit your life the way you needed them too. I would call that a huge win. You are so inspiring! I love the ideas for your snapback challenge and might take up a few as well. I did a no spending challenge in January that I mostly succeeded in.... but then February came. Haha.

Unknown said...

You did great! I'm in that boat now. I am almost at my goal weight and for some odd reason I've lost my spunk. I hate that. But to see you and the progress you've made, it makes me feel as though I can do the same! Thanks for sharing your life with us. You are a true inspiration!!

Unknown said...

Honestly Lakeitha you dont think you have failed?. Please take another look at the picture. Your stomach is flatter. And remember muscle weighs more than fat so you are gaining muscle! Please stop being so hard on yourself. You are such an inspiration to so many of us. Blessings love you look Fabulous!

Unknown said...

Well- you look extremely fit. Amazing definition in your shoulders....and it doesn't look like there's much fat to lose! Take it from an old lady....you look fantastic.

Unknown said...

Failure not at all you are amazing and have made amazingly strides. I to think it could be a burn out and overall exhaustion which can definitely happen. I was to my goal too and lost that strive. I was 210and got down to 159 my lowest sign junior high now I'm back at 170 which is hard to break that cycle and work out again.. But you are my inspiration and maybe you need a little break to refocus and get back to what you were use to doing ( I think you look great) thanks for giving my motivation back I'm looking to surpass my goal and get down to 150..

judyacase said...

I'm curious about the 25 carbs. Can you explain? We're you eating more carbs or less? I'm currently trying to cut my fruit to only berries. After doing a whole 30, I realize bananas and other high carb fruits are triggers. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I can definitely see the difference in your abs in the two pictures. I have that same issue with the loose skin and yours tightened up nicely. Did you use anything on your tummy to help with your skin? I have that same issue.