It’s Friday and I haven’t touched base with you guys about anything. We went away on vacation last week and all 3 of my boys started school this week! I did have a few rough days with my four year old, but today he did great upon arriving to school. There were no “Mommy I’m sick”. No “I don’t want to go to school anymore”. It made my day a lot less stressful, because with those words came lots of crying and yelling and much more than I’d care to share
Today he’s good so I ‘m going to take that as a “I’ve made it over the hump” kind of thing and move forward.
A few of you asked about the gold used on my VITTSJO shelving units from IKEA.

Well let me tell you a secret… It was Rub n Buff!

I used it on my office chair (I’ll show it to you soon
It only took about 2.5 tubes to do both units and it was the easiest thing in all of my DIY projects. I decided against spray paint because it is CRAZY HOT in Georgia. Plus, I feared I would have damaged the units by running from wasps so I just used my rub n buff in the comfort of my wasps free home!
Now, I’m ready to tackle the closet.

I’m going to keep the strips going, but change the color. Since black is an accent in the space, I’m thinking black and beige (same color as walls) stripes and then adding a pink campaign dresser. That’s IF it will fit! If not, then I’ll just do a french dresser instead. I need a ton of storage so something has to be shoved up in there for that!
This project is definitely going at a slow pace. I’m gearing up for Fall with my bracelets (shameless plug!)

And I’m in the middle of finishing up a wholesale order. Soooo…. I’ll keep you posted on the progress
Happy Weekend, Peeps!