So back on January 10th, I started what I called my #30DaySnapBackChallenge. I didn't share much about what I was doing during those 30 days because I wanted to see if I could actually hold myself accountable and do it. I posted this picture as a "before" because I was hoping to actually work on my stomach
Here is what the "challenge" consisted of:
eggs and spinach
Salad with or without meat
Veggie and seafood (or chicken)
As much water as I can (close to a gallon)
Fruit (berries)
Workout 5 days a week
3 days of weight training
2 days of cardio
Rest days work on core
Limit social media
Read a book
listen to podcasts (TD Jakes and/or Myleik Teele)
Work on projects around the house
Spend more quality time with boys
Read blogs
Write blog
30 day spending freeze
Soooo, how did I do??? Well, I failed. Starting with food, I did indeed eat spinach and eggs every morning (that's all I eat anyway!), but I didn't stick to the rest. I don't know if it was the chicken breast I was eating, but it didn't sit well with me. Maybe it was how I cooked it. Then, I didn't really have an appetite for seafood much. I want fatty meats all the time. What is wrong with me?!?! As far as the fruit, I did eat berries, but I mostly ate a nectarine every morning with my breakfast. I don't regret that at all because that nectarine helped me break free from eating 25g of carbs a day. Another thing, I started taking vitamins again and these are my favorite. I had to make sure I was eating a full meal before taking it, but it's a game changer for sure. Not sure if it's in my mind, but it energizes me!
As far as fitness, the first week, I did manage to do the 5 days and was very proud of myself. But then I realized that working out 5 days a week just wasn't for me anymore. The next week I did 4 and then after that, just 3. Do I mind doing 5? No because it feels good to do so, but my time is limited and even though it's just an hour, I need that extra hour at least two days a week. I managed to work on my core and glutes all gym days:-) Because I mostly did 3 days a week, I did manage to do weight training all days along with an average of 100 squats a day.
I failed miserably with the social media aspect of the challenge. I really need to fix that, but I like interacting with ya'll! I know that I need to figure out balance with social media... Maybe 3 posts a day? I didn't read a book, nor did I meditate, but what I did start doing was listening to Bishop TD Jakes sermons on Mondays. I don't think I'll ever stop doing that. I look forward to it now!
Can we just skip the no spending for 30 days??? I've been trying to do that for years and I fail time and time again:(
So what were my results from failing this challenge? Well, I started out weighing 168 and when I weighed in on the 12th of February, I was 170. And here is a picture of where I am. Left is January and right is February.
I don't really see a change and actually I'm quite disappointed in myself. What I learned by doing this is that I'm not as motivated as I once was. Could it be because I've reached my goal? I think so! I also think my discipline is fading a bit. So what's my plan now? To do less with more focus (something I'll discuss in another post). But what I know for sure is that I'm not a quitter and because I that, what was a 30 day challenge has turned into one that I'm determined to win! I'm starting over on February 21 and will update you once again:-)
So there you have it, me sharing my failure with you ladies!
Stay inspired,