

So back on January 10th, I started what I called my #30DaySnapBackChallenge. I didn't share much about what I was doing during those 30 days because I wanted to see if I could actually hold myself accountable and do it. I posted this picture as a "before" because I was hoping to actually work on my stomach

Here is what the "challenge" consisted of:
eggs and spinach
Salad with or without meat
Veggie and seafood (or chicken)
As much water as I can (close to a gallon)
Fruit (berries)

Workout 5 days a week
3 days of weight training
2 days of cardio
Rest days work on core

Limit social media
Read a book
listen to podcasts (TD Jakes and/or Myleik Teele)

Work on projects around the house
Spend more quality time with boys
Read blogs
Write blog

30 day spending freeze

Soooo, how did I do??? Well, I failed. Starting with food, I did indeed eat spinach and eggs every morning (that's all I eat anyway!), but I didn't stick to the rest. I don't know if it was the chicken breast I was eating, but it didn't sit well with me. Maybe it was how I cooked it. Then, I didn't really have an appetite for seafood much. I want fatty meats all the time. What is wrong with me?!?! As far as the fruit, I did eat berries, but I mostly ate a nectarine every morning with my breakfast. I don't regret that at all because that nectarine helped me break free from eating 25g of carbs a day. Another thing, I started taking vitamins again and these are my favorite. I had to make sure I was eating a full meal before taking it, but it's a game changer for sure. Not sure if it's in my mind, but it energizes me!

As far as fitness, the first week, I did manage to do the 5 days and was very proud of myself. But then I realized that working out 5 days a week just wasn't for me anymore. The next week I did 4 and then after that, just 3. Do I mind doing 5? No because it feels good to do so, but my time is limited and even though it's just an hour, I need that extra hour at least two days a week. I managed to work on my core and glutes all gym days:-) Because I mostly did 3 days a week, I did manage to do weight training all days along with an average of 100 squats a day.

I failed miserably with the social media aspect of the challenge. I really need to fix that, but I like interacting with ya'll! I know that I need to figure out balance with social media... Maybe 3 posts a day? I didn't read a book, nor did I meditate, but what I did start doing was listening to Bishop TD Jakes sermons on Mondays. I don't think I'll ever stop doing that. I look forward to it now!
Can we just skip the no spending for 30 days??? I've been trying to do that for years and I fail time and time again:(

So what were my results from failing this challenge? Well, I started out weighing 168 and when I weighed in on the 12th of February, I was 170. And here is a picture of where I am. Left is January and right is February.

I don't really see a change and actually I'm quite disappointed in myself. What I learned by doing this is that I'm not as motivated as I once was. Could it be because I've reached my goal? I think so! I also think my discipline is fading a bit. So what's my plan now? To do less with more focus (something I'll discuss in another post). But what I know for sure is that I'm not a quitter and because I that, what was a 30 day challenge has turned into one that I'm determined to win! I'm starting over on February 21 and will update you once again:-)

So there you have it, me sharing my failure with you ladies!

Stay inspired,


Fashion Friday: Blushing


Jacket: The Limited
Top and Earrings: New York and Company (old)
Jeans: Levi's
Bracelets: Wrist Soirée

Friday the 13th... Or should we just call it the day before Valentine's Day? Either way, I'm calling it a great day! Am I the only one that's stoked about the movie Fifty Shades of Grey hitting the big screen today? Seriously, I swear I read all 3 books in 2 weeks. While everyone around me were all ewww and why, I was more like oooooh and ahhhh:-)
My husband and I are seeing it tomorrow. I'm surprised he's going, but I think he's counting it as a V-Day gift, ha! I'll take it!

I'm totally crushing on the color blush.  Seriously, it's everywhere and I think it's going to not only work for spring and summer, but it will easily transition into the cooler months as well. My favorite combo for this feminine hue is adding soft grey and black to the mix (and of course white!).
I suggest you adding a bit of this pretty color to your wardrobe if you haven't already. If you're not the pink type, try a scarf to start off. You'll thank me later!

Stay inspired ladies and happy Valentine's Day!

All images by the beautiful Kaye McCoy!


Because it's ok

I was talking to a friend earlier about something she had just gone through involving a guy. Basically, she held her ground and decided that what he was offering was not up to her standards and she let him know. Afterwards, it was a downhill battle of taming her emotions and me assuring her that she had indeed done the right thing. Side note: I hate that we're thousands of miles away from each other because this is definitely one of those times where I want to be by her side with a big bottle of wine and something good to eat so that we could male bash:-)

After our call, it got me to thinking about a situation I'm going through (or was). I've shared a little about an ex that played a huge role in my life. I mean HUGE! For the past 11yrs, I've been struggling to erase feelings that I've had for him and our past. It's hard. VERY hard, but I make it through mostly in part because I have a wonderful husband that swooped in immediately after that breakup and literally told me that he would never leave me. Even through all of my mess/baggage I had/have from my ex, his promise hasn't waivered. But after all of that time, shouldn't those feelings be gone???

Let's go back to that friend of mine... She repeatedly said she feels so stupid since they've only been talking for a few months. I mean, she was beating herself up without the help of anyone else.


Here's my theory, we've been programmed to think that certain things aren't worthy of our time and energy. You know, the time we put into feeling "some type of way"... I disagree. I think we first have to evaluate where these feelings are really steaming from. For her, I think she misses companionship and really thought this guy was the one. In my opinion, it's not even the guy she's hurt about not having, but more so the "once again, I have to start over" feeling. That sucks, right? Right! After a week or so, it's time for
 her to get over that, right? I mean really, they didn't have time to get all that serious anyway... But that WAS enough time for her feelings to be valid and it's ok for her to take all the time she needs to pick herself up and move on.

Back to me and my ELEVEN YEARS timeframe. Surely that's enough time to get over an ex, right? I mean COME ON... He's married, I'm married, and we're both happy. So why can't I just move the hell on? Well, my feelings are deeply invested in that boy. He was my first love. We shared a lot of firsts together and the memories that were made are some of the best times of my life! Does that count against my husband? Definitely not because I can say the same for us! But I'm at the point now that I'm tired of trying everything to " GET OVER" my ex. I don't want to be over him or what we had because you know what? It helped shape who I am today. Every. Single. Bit.

Why am I sharing all of this? Because there is someone out there 
that needs to know it's "O fucking K". Everything that you're feeling is ok. It's ok to feel, but it's not ok to pause your life because of a few heartaches. We are suppose to feel, but we're not suppose to be stuck in those feelings. When we are "stuck" in the feelings, we're not allowing ourselves to move on. For 11 years, I was STUCK in those feelings. Today I'm allowing myself to feel them and I'm assuring myself that it's ok, but I'm also allowing myself to finally move on. Accept and appreciate what was while keeping it close to your heart, but allow your heart to receive and appreciate what's truly out there for you.

Hope that makes sense!

Stay inspired ladies,


FRIDAY STYLE: thirty two

Today I'm 32.

Lip: MAC flat out fabulous, jewelry: Wrist Soirée, sweater: Target, pants: New York & Company, shoes: Jessica Simpson.
Photos by the oh so fab Kaye McCoy

Someone said to me the other day, "I hate to spoil it for you, but 32 feels like 31." And I'm assuming like how 30 felt, right? That couldn't be further from the truth as it relates to me. In all honesty, I feel better than I did at 25! Well, maybe because at 25 I was 7 months pregnant with my third son, but that's besides the point:-)
I feel AMAZING this year! I'm sure taking control of my health plays a huge part in that. I also think that it's true what they say about this shift that happens when you reach your 30's. I feel free. I feel more connected to me than I ever have. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm feeling more aware about my wants and needs, more aware of what I can do without, more accepting and understanding of all the things I've been through, and definitely ready for the years to come! Everything is different for me now. And dare I say my sex life is like the best it has EVER been? Yeah, I said that!
Anywho, I feel good. 32 feels good. I'll be out celebrating with a few friends tonight. Nothing big. Just dinner and a slumber party. A FREAKING SLUMBER PARTY!!! At a hotel. In Buckhead. (Insert girls gone wild videos lol). I can't even.

Before I sign off, I have to share this picture that my oldest took of me this morning. He said, "you look great mom. Can I take your picture?" I never pass up a photo op!

Yeah, I have never felt better than I do now. I can only imagine what the rest of my years will feel like.

Stay inspired ladies,


My home: Home Depot style challenge

So I was contacted a few weeks back about participating in Home Depot's style challenge again. You may remember the last challenge I did for them a little over a year ago.

This go round, I was asked to participate in the patio style challenge and boy oh boy was I excited about that! My backyard space has been pretty neglected the past few years. Seriously, we don't even bother to go out there unless we're throwing a few pieces of meat on the grill. And what a poor excuse for a grill it is:(

I have already seen the patio set I'll be receiving from them, so it's just a matter of zhushing the space up around it. How will I do that? So far I'm thinking pops of color and plants. I'll add a few other elements as well (like a possible DIY).
Stay tuned as I share a few sneak peeks along the way:-)

Stay inspired,