

Finally, its time to make some moves! I have started the process of designing our family room and kitchen. Below are some quick shots of the beginning stages (I know you guys like a good before and after!). Do you see this red below? for lack of a better phrase its a "hot mess"! And yes I did it. I did it because my husband liked it (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it). The ugly honey mustard color on the other wall is the color we got with the purchase of the house (lucky us). I'll be sure to keep you posted as the process progress!

By the way, black or white cabinets? I'm sooo scared of black, but I love it soooo much.


lisa said...

oooo, do black do black! I plan on painting our kitchen cabinets black and my inspiration is Layla's work from The Lettered Cottage

L.Duncan@Home23DuncanBoys said...

I love Layla's cabinets too! Have you seen Emily's at www.chattingatthesky.com? Gorgeous!

lisa said...

I have and she did a terrific job. Laylas style is more like my style. Seriously, I'm totally copying her...right down to the chalk label tags. lol

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Awaiting your decision! I'll stand back and watch someone else make this bold move! Janell