I started working on my kitchen about a month ago (well a year if you count the mess I made of it when I first moved in to this house!), and it is nowhere near being complete. I change my mind, chicken out about the original plan, and then try something completely new in the middle of the project. Now with a color on my walls that I'm not sure I like, and cabinets that have about three different shades of white on them (because I can't figure out which one will work best with the wall color or the back splash) I'm at a stand still! So after not wanting to post any of my progress, I decided to post ONE picture just to show that I have done something.
First here are some pictures of what the kitchen looked like when we moved in. Very basic and builders grade right? Did I forget to mention how small it is? Well let's not because it's embarrassing!

In this photo you can see the palm tree wall paper border that I snatched down the day we moved in. Are you serious? Palm trees in the kitchen? Really?

And here is a picture of the family room that is right off the kitchen. It is a nice size for us, but it is narrow and my laundry closet is on the back wall so adding seating is hard because I have to make sure I can open the doors to do laundry. Just great!

ANYWAY...Enough rambling
Here is what I have done so far with the kitchen

Yes I painted the walls (I know they look the same as the above photos). Before they were a honey mustard color and now they are a sandy color (lighter than the photo). I painted the cabinets white last year and I'm in the process now of repainting them because up close they look awful! I'm also painting the trim the same color (what color? I don't know!) Originally I wanted black cabinets, but I'm scared I won't like them. I'm also changing the counter tops, adding a subway tile back splash, getting new light fixtures, new flooring, add shelves, and, and, and.....
Anyone out there with advice? PLEASE!!! I'll PAY YOU (seriously I'll pay you!). I know what I want in every room in my house, but this kitchen is freakin me out! I can't see the finish line. I don't know what I will end up with. I think it's the size. It really is small. I don't want to over do it and make it seem smaller, but I do need it to be more functional.
So what do you think? Am I just being a baby? Or does this kitchen require a pro?! Do you have any advice? Have you had any problems or second thoughts, or fears in your own kitchen? Tell me. I really want to know. I feel hopeless!