The walls have been primed and now they are ready for paint! I also found some letters at micheals that I'm thinking about painting and hanging them in the room. Also I made some art for the walls with some old flash cards I had and some card stock and frames I got from Target a while back. Did I ever tell you that Target is my home away from home? Its like having a summer home that you go to on a vacation to get away from everyday life. The only difference is I visit my vacation home at least 3 times a week! Okay back to this playroom (I'll share with you my reasons for loving Target another time!), The paint will go up probably Tuesday. I picked Flyway 6794 by Sherwin Williams its a pretty playful blue that will coordinate well with the lime greens, reds, and yellows that will be used in the room. Next post (I think!) I'm going to list everthing a DIYer (do-it-yourself-er) need to have on hand at all times.
playroom checklist:
Storage- got it
prime- did it
easel- on its way from
window treatment- no idea
idea for closet- none!
how this is going to turn out- not a clue
will my boys love it- probably will
will my house stay clean for now on- doubt it
wondering why I'm doing a playroom in the first place- thinking about it now
is ther still time for a room for me(ONLY)- yes (hmmm!)