

Hi guys! I know that it's been a week since my last post and I'll share my reasons in the upcoming week. Right now, I would like for you to check out my new blog design! Isn't it purrrty?!!!

It was designed by the talented (and patient)

Erika Ward

Erika is the creative genius behind Blu Label Bungalow.

Blu Label Bungalow is her interior design blog where she takes colors and textures found on the runway and translates them into interior spaces.

"When I compose a blog post, I have a picture in my mind of how I want it to look. Most times the images I want can't be found on the Internet so I customize others to fit my blog. I love inserting my comments. This is something I do when I read design mags as well." -Erika Ward

Erika has by no means decided to focus on blog design, but would love to help anyone with the desire to spruce up their blog! So please stop by Blu Label Bungalow and say Hello!



Drew&Samsmom said...

Love the new look!!!! ~stevie

###### said...

great new look.

Moni @ CL Journal said...

I love it! : )

Patrice-The Soap Seduction said...

i love the new look too-very light and airy:)

1 Funky Woman said...

What a great pic of your boys! I love the font used for and a mom. Looks great!

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

I love it and I am thinking I need to go "talk" to Erika!

Kasey at Thrifty Little Blog said...

Wow, it looks great!

Anonymous said...

I love it! She did an awesome job...

Dayka Robinson said...

Love your new look! The photo of the boys is so cute--I still can't get over how long tj's legs are!! Hope you guys had fun in TN!

Mom of 2 Cuties @ Sprinkles of Joy and Laughter said...

Loving the new look!! Hope you are having a great weekend!

L.Duncan@Home23DuncanBoys said...

Thanks everyone for the kind words on my new blog design! Erika did a great job on it!

lesapeamusings.blogspot said...

Thanks for the tip, will check Erika out.

Unknown said...

The blog looks fun and fresh! very nice -- love it

Katy @ Eat Drink & Decorate said...

lurve the new look... wanting to check into a new look - great inspiration!

Nu Amoorea said...

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