So the boys have four days left of school which means I need to seriously get my fanny in gear if I want to have anything completed around here before summer break is in full swing. Here are a few things I want to have completed by next Thursday (or at least Friday!)

I pulled two of these out of my “stash” in the garage. I’m hoping to squeeze these babies in at the end of my sofa. So far, I ‘m thinking that may be a stretch, but we’ll see. If not I may go for these

As far as paint is concerned (because aren’t you concerned about the color?!), I’m thinking one of these colors would work

I’m leaning towards the navy myself

(hazy iPhone pic)
And while we’re at paint, have any of you had the chance to check out Lowes new display of their paint samples? Cute if you ask me!
The colors that I’m working with for my living room are in this pillow

I may or may not have gotten two of them in the mail the other day
Oh and have you seen the shops at Target? I’m loving The Privet House collection to pieces! I snagged some of the salad plates for the dining room. Again, they had to coordinate with the fabric!

And last but definitely not least, I picked up some numbers for my door

They’re brass and they will look FAB-U-LOUS against my door!

Do you see where I’m going with all of this? I hope so because I sure don’t
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