Bren is turning two this Saturday and for the past few weeks, I've been gathering things for his birthday party. Since having my children, I've realized that birthdays are treated differently with each family. There are some people that believe that birthdays are special and should be celebrated with some type of party every year. Then you have some people that don't believe that birthdays are that big of a deal. Then, you have me. I believe that birthdays are special but they don't warrant a "party" every year. Now, when I say party, I mean balloons, food, cakes, themes, etc.. My kids birthdays are always recognized (for instance, with Nick, we had a picnic at the park), but we don't go all out. My main reason for this way of thinking is because I don't want my kids to think that the material aspect of a birthday is what makes it a special day. I want them to know that their birthdays are special with or without the 'hoopla'. I usually skip their first birthday as far as having a party because (in my opinion), a one year old does not know whats going on in the first place. Actually Brendan didn't start walking until after his first birthday so he would not have been part of the party anyway:) So, I start them with their second birthday. Which is a pretty good age because by then, they are walking, playing, getting excited by a few things, AND talking more and more! After their this party, they more than likely wont have another one until they turn five (again, that does not mean we don't acknowledge their birthdays). I also do other party's through out the year like their annual end of summer party and this year we are shooting for a Halloween party (fingers crossed) so they really aren't lacking in the party area anyway;)
With all that said, I'm planning Brendan's Birthday party and I'm so excited about it! Remember this fabric?

I fell in love with it so much, that I decided to base the party around the colors in it! I love themed parties! I also love the extra details that are put into a party that make it unique. For instance, this Curious George party that I found

The colors are just so much fun! Or, what about this lollipop themed party?!

I have my kids an end of summer party every year and last year the theme was bugs! This cake by
Janell would have been perfect for that party!

And my number 1 reason for wanting a girl is to be able to do girly girly things for her like
Emily did for daughters 4th birthday

How do you celebrate birthdays? What do you do to make your parties unique or special?!
I'll make sure I post pictures of his party!
Curious George and the Lollipop images were found on hostess blog